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spreadsheet for online cantilever retaining wall calculation, Eurocode 2, Eurocode 7, Eurocode 8, ACI, AASHTO
429 Add To Aplication
36 Reports
online spreadsheet-like tool for cantilever wooden beam, cantilever steel beam, Eurocode, NDS, AISC
84 Add To Aplication
142 Reports
online spreadsheet-like tool for lintel structural calculation, Eurocode, ACI, AASHTO, NDS, AISC
60 Add To Aplication
45 Reports
online calculation of concrete section flexural strength of beam and slab, concrete section shear strength, Eurocode 2, ACI, AASHTO

The Tool performs the shear and flexural check of the reinforced concrete plate, like slabs, footings, walls, culverts, with or without shear reinforcement.

+ 86 Validation download validation report Sample download sample calculation report
flexural and shear calculation of concrete section, of beam and slab, spreadsheet-like, Eurocode 2, ACI, AASHTO

The Tool checks the shear and flexural resistance of the reinforced concrete beams.

+ 115 Validation download validation report Sample download sample calculation report
online calculation of stress analysis of concrete section, Eurocode 2, ACI, AASHTO

The Tool calculates stress distribution in a reinforced concrete section subject to normal force and biaxial bending

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interaction diagram of concrete section, online structural calculation according to Eurocode 2, ACI, AASHTO, EHE, NTC

The Tool calculates the safety factors of concrete section subjected to axial force and bending moment. Section shape can be rectangular, circular or generic.

+ 89 Validation download validation report Sample download sample calculation report
spreadsheet-like tool for interface shear friction strength, ACI, AASHTO, EC2, EHE, NTC

The Tool checks the interface shear resistance in concrete elements, according to the selected code

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crack width calculation of concrete section under biaxial bending, Eurocode 2, ACI, AASHTO

The Tool calculates crack widths in a reinforced concrete section subject to normal force and biaxial bending

+ 57 Validation download validation report Sample download sample calculation report
spreadsheet-like tool for rebar lap and development calculation, Eurocode 2, ACI, AASHTO

The Tool calculates the development and lap length for rebars, and collectd the result in a table which can be included in the drawings.

+ 25 Validation download validation report Sample download sample calculation report
online analysis of reinforced concrete section under biaxial bending, Eurocode, ACI, AASHTO

The Tool calculates the safety factors of generic reinforced concrete section subject to bi-axial bending moment and axial load.

+ 18 Validation download validation report Sample download sample calculation report
spreadsheet for concrete section check, under flexural, shear and torsion forces, Eurocode 2, ACI, AASHTO

The Tool calculates the shear, flexural and torsional resistance of the reinforced concrete beams and prestressed concrete beam.

+ 68 Validation download validation report Sample download sample calculation report
calculation of prestressed concrete section under flexural shear and torsion forces, Eurocode 2, ACI, AASHTO

The Tool performs the analysis of prestressed concrete section, simple or multistage section, at service limit state and ultimate limit state.

+ 66 Validation download validation report Sample download sample calculation report
online reinforced concrete section check under flexural shear and torsion forces, Eurocode 2, ACI, AASHTO

The Tool performs the analysis of reinforced concrete section at service limit state and ultimate limit state.

+ 16 Validation download validation report Sample download sample calculation report
online tool for reinforced concrete torsion calculation, Eurocode 2, ACI, AASHTO

The Tool performs the torsion analysis and check of a reinforced concrete beam section

+ 34 Validation download validation report Sample download sample calculation report