Resistance check of reinforced concrete plate
The Tool performs the shear and flexural check of the reinforced concrete plate, like slabs, footings, walls, culverts, with or without shear reinforcement.

Concrete beam section check
The Tool checks the shear and flexural resistance of the reinforced concrete beams.

Stress analysis under biaxial bending forces
The Tool calculates stress distribution in a reinforced concrete section subject to normal force and biaxial bending

Concrete section check for bending and axial force
The Tool calculates the safety factors of concrete section subjected to axial force and bending moment. Section shape can be rectangular, circular or generic.

Interface shear friction
The Tool checks the interface shear resistance in concrete elements, according to the selected code

Crack width calculation
The Tool calculates crack widths in a reinforced concrete section subject to normal force and biaxial bending

Development and lap length
The Tool calculates the development and lap length for rebars, and collectd the result in a table which can be included in the drawings.

Concrete section check for bi-axial bending and axial force
The Tool calculates the safety factors of generic reinforced concrete section subject to bi-axial bending moment and axial load.

Resistance of reinforced concrete beam
The Tool calculates the shear, flexural and torsional resistance of the reinforced concrete beams and prestressed concrete beam.

Checking of prestressed concrete beam section
The Tool performs the analysis of prestressed concrete section, simple or multistage section, at service limit state and ultimate limit state.

Checking of reinforced concrete beam section
The Tool performs the analysis of reinforced concrete section at service limit state and ultimate limit state.

Concrete beam design for torsion
The Tool performs the torsion analysis and check of a reinforced concrete beam section